Check Out All Our Powerful TeamLogic Voice Features Below
Connect with your client, no matter the medium. Multi-channel connection tools in TeamLogic Voice Conenct CRM, lets you connect with clients on the phone, via live chat, text, email, through social media, and even in person. Use TeamLogic Voice Connect visitor tracking and analytics to know what your customers are seeing, then find opportunities for client engagement. Connect, collaborate, and close the deal with TeamLogic Voice Connect.

Improved Productivity
TeamLogic Voice connect will simplify collaboration within and between offices, increase efficiency, and simplify how sales reps manage their communications with clients. Our solution includes the ability to access call recordings at any time and receive instant messages on their computers. With it, employees can multi-task: they can read and respond to messages while attending a meeting or another call, without taking time to listen through the audio recordings of message after message. Employees can also host and record conference calls using desktop and mobile clients for improved collaboration. With less time spent managing communication, people have more time to focus on tasks that contribute to your business goals.
Sales Performance
Connect your sales and marketing teams like never before by coordinating your marketing efforts from one place in the Siarum CRM. Compare your ad spending to your sales revenue to see how the top of the funnel affects your bottom line. Make smarter marketing decisions by seeing what’s happening on your website and landing pages. Track visitor activity from first visit to purchase, take advantage of in-depth web analytics and track which sources produce the most sales leads.
Bottom Line
From cost savings to increased sales performance, TeamLogic Voice helps businesses immediately and long-term. Cloud based hosted solutions can lower communications costs, improve team collaboration, and free up sales resources to help improve ROI. Plus, your business will be able to scale more rapidly than ever before. TeamLogic Voice can be completely customized for each client.
CRM Features
Video Conferencing
Create and launch a video presentation for a prospect and run the meeting right from the client profile in the TeamLogic Voice dashboard.
Record A Demo
Record your online presentation right from your TeamLogic Voice dashboard, then send the link to your prospect for quick reference.
Email Notify
Send an email to your client or prospect right from the dashboard and be notified when your client opens the email. This keeps your in control of the sale at all times.
Mobile Connection
With our TeamLogic Voice mobile app, all your office calls will be routed to your cell phone so you never miss a call from your client.
Task Management
Set your tasks and Siarum will automatically alert you when your task is due. No more guessing when you have a task to perform.
Outlook Integration
You can now integrate the power of your Office 365 email and appointment calendar. Siarum now acts as your inbox and syncs with your account to log your activity right in the dashboard.
Use TeamLogic Voice to call your clients from the dashboard and track all activity in the client profile. Just click the call button and the system will automatically call your client.
Call Transfer
When you are talking to someone and need to transfer the call to another person, just pull up the number transfer option and select the person to transfer the call to from the pull down menu.
Sales Management and Tracking
TeamLogic Voice is the only CRM tracking software that combines your marketing sources, phone tracking system (TeamLogic Voice) and your CRM (TeamLogic Voice Connect) reporting into one tool. Our Software provides your company a complete view of what’s generating sales leads, the activity happening with the lead and the overall performance of the sales reps. All correspondence with a client or prospect gets logged in the activity screen.
Your client data is protected by Colocrossing servers and is wrapped up into an array of different reports that are easy to navigate and understand. You even set the daily, weekly and monthly reports to be emailed to you each morning so you are on top of the previous days activity first thing every morning. You can easily filter and export these files with the click of a button so you get the information you need instantly.
Source Tracking
TeamLogic Voice will track every source of advertising you have. Just assign any advertising medium to a unique tracking number and TeamLogic Voice will instantly show you what source your sales lead is coming from.
Call Broadcasting
Save or upload your call list by any group you like, then send out a voice message to all numbers at one time. With voice broadcasting you can send a message to recipients and generate calls in minutes.
Text Broadcasting
Using the same logic as voice broadcasting, now you can send text broadcast to groups of people at the same time. Just save or upload your list, create the text you want to send and Siarum Ring does the rest. When someone text you back, this text routes right into your Siarum CRM or TeamLogic Voice Recruit applicant tracking system.
Call Conferencing
Call conferencing is a feature that most organizations need almost on a daily basis. Call conferencing is widely used to facilitate multiple employees communicating with each other. Our system offers a robust and seamless call conferencing facility that is available to all users of the application.
Call Reporting and IVR Menus
Real-time Reporting Shows You All Sales Activity
When you login to the dashboard you instantly see how many prospects are in the pipeline, top ten prospects in the sales funnel, number of emails, texts and phone calls made and how many upcoming appointments your reps have set. TeamLogic Voice Connect even tells you what invoices are outstanding. Set your reps sales goals and the dashboard will show you a real time graph of actual sales vs. sales quotas.
Send Proposals
TeamLogic Voice Connect allows you to create customized company branded proposals. Just open the proposal template, select the client and input your products or services. That’s it. Now your your sales rep is ready to send the proposal to the client.
Convert to Order
After you have the signed proposal back in your clients profile, just click the convert to order button. Now your order is ready for invoicing.
TeamLogic Voice Connect’s invoicing module save administration time and can sync with your current billing system to make for a smooth billing cycle. After you convert the proposal to an order now you just convert it to an invoice. You are now ready to email the invoice to your client for faster payments.
Live Chat
With the live chat feature you can communicate with a client in real time. Just open up the chat box, click on the client you need to chat with and start typing. If you want to call the client during the chat just convert the chat to a call.
Top 10 Prospects
Add any prospect to your top 10 list and know exactly who your hot leads are at all times..
Address Book
With the address book in TeamLogic Voice Connect you can transfer a call with one click, look up a co-worker and call that person with one click or email a call recording to anyone in your address book. You also keep track of all your clients in one place.
Marketing Automation
TeamLogic Voice Connect has developed a tracking code that you can place on your website or landing page. When a potential client visits one of your pages, your sales reps will be notified.
Caller Notification
TeamLogic Voice caller notification allows you to receive an email each time someone leaves you a voicemail. The recording will be instantly emailed to you with a link to your message. Simply click the link and hear who’s calling. You will never miss a call.
Mobile Phone
Download the TeamLogic Voice Connect mobile app to your Android or iPhone and you will receive your business calls right to your mobile device. You will have many of the great features offered in the Siarum dashboard from your mobile phone.
Social Connect
Keep in touch with your client through social connect. Once you create you clients profile just click the linkedIN, Facebook or Twitter buttons to send your client a request to connect.
Text Messaging
With TeamLogic Voice Connect text feature you can now text a client or prospect right from your dashboard. With our texting feature just click the text button and type in your message, that’s it. When the person you are texting responds, the message will come right back into your dashboard.
Voicemail To Email
Customize your own voicemail so your callers know exactly whom they are reaching. When they leave a message the voicemail can now be emailed to you.
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(205) 783-1090
M-F: 8am - 5pm
S-S: Closed
300 Cahaba Park Circle
Suite 111
Birmingham, AL 35242